After being nominated for several categories at the Case Management Society UK (CMSUK) awards last week, Anglia Case Management (ACM) Manager Jo Forrest has been awarded the Catastrophic Clinical Case Manager of the Year Award. ACM staff Pam Foreman and Wendy Wilcock were also Highly Commended for their service and commitment in the Therapeutic Service Provider of the Year category. ACM forms part of the Active Care Group’s Case Management Division which provides bespoke case management plans for individuals with complex needs.
CMSUK is part of a global organisation of registered Case Managers who are committed to delivering quality case management and adhering to best practice for individuals with spinal cord and acquired brain injuries.
Oliver Harris, CEO of Montreux Capital Management (UK) said, “We are pleased to see Anglia Case Management receive recognition from Case Management Society UK for their continued hard work and dedication. Congratulations to Jo, Pam, Wendy and the wider team.”